داستان آبیدیک

color scheme


1 هنر:: طرح رنگ، طرح رنگی

Color Schemes There are two basic types of color schemes c. complementary, triad, tetrad color schemes،Today, and in part due to the work of Burton, children's visual geography has transformed from pastel pinks, blues, and soft yellows and greens to the more urbanesque color schemes that signify a Burton film. For Disney, "art . . . becomes a spectacle designed to create new markets, commodify children, and provide vehicles for merchandizing its commodities."17 The strategic marketing of similar children's products by other companies who adopt the Disney color scheme counts on consumer association with the Disney palette to boost sales. The advent of computer games and digital graphics has changed the color scheme associated with childhood-many toys, books, games, and especially clothing now reflect the color schemes of popular digitally generated worlds. Child viewers are often presented with the color schemes of imagined utopian worlds within fantasy films, such as Burton's. Though the filmic world itself may not actually be utopian, the color scheme may suggest such perfection, hence creating a desire, like Jack's, to experience and belong to such a world.

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